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Trace back to the source of Las Vegas outbreak incomplete two weeks after restaurant shutting down

May 13, 2013 7:06 am0 commentsViews: 12

Two hundred people presented food poisoning symptoms after dining at one of Las Vegas’ most popular tapas restaurant. Trace back still in process.


Brand restaurant in Las VegasTwo weeks after shutting down the restaurant and collecting food samples, investigators still cannot conclude which ingredient caused this salmonella outbreak. They are taking  into consideration employee hygiene practices and tracing back the sources of some food served raw. If salmonella appeared back in the supply chain, sickness could be spreading around the country. Brand popularity and menu variety may have helped spreading the illness.

Business owner intention is to reopen at a different site near the old restaurant by the end of the month. Two other of his locations remain open in Las Vegas at this time.

The implications for the restaurant not only have to do with the period premises keep closed. A couple has filed a lawsuit against the restaurant and 76 people have contacted them for their inclusion in the suit. In case the outbreak was restaurant’s responsibility a jury might award between $5000 and $10000 each person in the suit. Inspectors also hit the restaurant with 44 demerits. But outbreak responsible won’t be identified until trace back results are known.



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