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FDA Uses Video Testimonials to Illustrate Consequences of Food Poisoning to Retailers

April 4, 2013 6:09 am0 commentsViews: 14

Good traceability practises key to threat identification.


Food PoisoningThe U.S. Food and Drug Administration posted three videos featuring people affected by foodborne illness Wednesday in an effort to educate food retailers on the potentially devastating effects of an outbreak.

Two of the videos feature family members of Zella Ploghoft of Athens, Ohio, who died of complications from a Salmonella infection at age 82. The other features Bernadette Jacobs, a mother of three who describes how she almost lost her newborn daughter due to a Listeria infection she contracted while pregnant.

The videos were released as part of FDA’s Retail Food Safety Action Initiative, unveiled in September 2011, which aims to improve food safety at the retail level through local food codes and training for employees.

“Less than 10 minutes each, the videos educate retail and foodservice employees on the possible, dire consequences of poor preparation practices and provide tips to prevent foodborne illness,” said FDA in a press release Wednesday.


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